Wanderer's Diary

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"परमात्मन परब्रम्हे मम शरीरं पाहि कुरु कुरु स्वाहा".....
कल्याण मस्तु..

गर आ जाये जीने का सलीका भी तो .........चंद रोज़ आफताब है इस ज़िन्दगी को गुलज़ार करने के लिए..

मंदिर बहुत दूर है चलो किसी रोते हुए हुए बच्चे को हंसाया जाए...

इन यादों के उजियारे को अपने साथ रखना ना जाने किस रोज़ किस डगर किस घडी इस ज़िन्दगी क़ि शाम होगी..

Stay Rolling .......Keep Rocking .....and Keep Smiling...........

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Law of Attraction .....unleashed

This article is the abstract and summary of movie so called “The Secret” the law of attraction says that every thing lying in this universe is form of energy and they all revolves around the belt of energy. The law elaborates that a person may be driven towards his needs are for the accomplishment of certain desires gets attracted towards certain things which forms the end results.

Emotional guidance system

·         Good feelings

Joy love and Appreciation
Passion Belief

·          Bad feelings

Every on has shaped his own universe for accomplishments of certain things and accordingly an outcome comes. For example a 10 year kid wish to get a bicycle out of different bicycles he has seen but unfortunately he is not able to get that may be because of financial issues but he never gives away his extreme desire to get it he cuts the picture of that bicycle and always keeps it with him and every day his desire get higher and higher and one day even he scratched the picture as he gets upset but sooner after he picks the picture shapes it and goes for sleep later in the morning when he gets up opens his door he founds that someone has kept that bicycle in front of his room he gets so excited and happy and then founds his father is the men behind his happiness so that helps us to understand how the law of attraction works.

Whatever the mind of men conceive it can achieve.
There are three basic factors on which the law of attraction works they are:
·         Ask
·         Answer
·         Receiving

Firstly you r brain will ask you whether you are interested in a particular thing or not and then it will start looking for a answer and then comes how to get the answer or the sources to receive the ultimate accomplishment of that desire.

For example a person is focused about being rich and then he will start querying himself that whether he will be able to get up to that level or not then he will try to put his efforts into action to get the answer to earn money and wealth so that he can nourish his being rich desire and then comes the ultimate thing that is he becomes rich that’s how he is receiving the result.

“Follow your own bliss and world will open doors for you were there are   walls.”

Talking about focus any course of action a human being is going to pursue or have pursued his focus matters as if you focus on that thing about which you are interested your results will be much better but if you focus on that thing about which you are not interested may it will not work for you.

“You are the only one to create your reality no one else can ever do it...”

 Now we will talk about the pillars of law of attraction they are:

·         Imagination
·         Visualization and
·         Gratitude

  Sir Albert Einstein says:
“Imagination is everything it is the preview of forthcoming life.”
Imagination starts with the dream a person start seeing through either in day light either in night time again what differentiate dream seen an both the time is your passion involved in that dream. The way you create imagination about anything that is what perhaps forms it future prospect for you.

Let me tell you a story there was a doctor who keep telling his entire neighbor’s and patients that don’t addict to wine don’t drink it , it will kill you, it will make you loose your faithful relations, it will lead you to loose your wealth, it will cause you health loss and at last it will leave you in the dark place with no vision and he was the person usually putting demo for all his theories and logics, so what he did he called the people and on the table he kept two glasses in first one he filled wine and in the second one he filled water and then in sequences he dropped earth warm in both the glasses of wine and water and after some time he shown it to the people that how earth warm dropped in water sailed and survived and earth warm dropped in wine get died, and then he asked what did you all learn from this then a person from back row raised his hands so doctor said yes tell me what did you learned then the person replied wine is the stuff which if you drink helps to kill all the bacteria’s and insects inside the stomach so that is how the kind of imagination you will have severally it will contain the glimpse of your forthcoming life.

           To what extent you are able to visualize your dreams?

Later talking about visualization it is something that helps you to decide the extent you will be able to chase your dream to what extent you will be able to full fill them. For example there was a professor he had the desire to earn 10000 dollars a year to feed hid desires but till the time he was earning 100 dollars a year so he use to think allot visualizing the things one night before he gets to bed he picked one note and on that he written 10000 dollar and then kept this in his pocket and he keep working and chasing his dreams sooner after some year he found he was able to earn near about 9600 dollars a year then he felt happy for his efforts so this is how one can visualize his dreams and ways to feed his desires.

Gratitude one thing that changes the way you see at your life……..
There was a person who has been a wonderful fellow full of life and ready to help others and he always keep 3 pieces of stones in his pocket as the gratitude stones to have the positivity towards his life one day he met with a African person and he asked him why do you always have such stones in your life he said this is the way I keeps my gratitude towards my life towards the Almighty and his life he gave to me the African said wow that’s amazing and after few years when they were chatting to each other on the net the African fellow said his child is not well and is striving for his much needed breath of life and having a faith in him asked him to send few gratitude stones to him so that at least his boy can have few smiles and cheers before he get died  and later after few months the African men called and said his child is escaped out of disease and he is well now and then sent few stones along with some gifts back to men and he certainly became happy after seeing this so its not just about happiness or sadness or a condition a men should be able to drive a gratitude towards his life as wonderful gift given to him by God.

At last I will some up by saying Life is a beautiful imagination but life is more beautiful then your imagination dream it mean it to shape up your tomorrows world and take every problems as a kind of experience Almighty wish you to face so that you should be able to understand what is the real meaning of happiness.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reverse Mortgage Scheme

Senior citizen can use their homes to fund their retirement year’s needs through reverse mortgage scheme. When a person get into the stage of full nest his life becomes full of complexities and the resources and financial assistance also used to be fewer one and that makes patch up between income and expenses critical so what a elder citizen can do to fund his very survival in those years?

A person in the post retirement years looks for cosy home and a peaceful place where he can spend his sunset year quite beautifully, and with a well executed financial plan it’s not difficult to do so. Normally in sunset years of life a person gets towards number of alternatives to feed his financial needs but no one of them is logical to shape it in the desired manner.
So what you can do answer is reverse mortgage scheme a wonderful plan to let you have peace and prosperity in second innings of your life the scheme is so that a valuation of your house will be made subjected to application made and the age criteria and then there after the bank will do its mortgage valuation so to pay you the amount in return to your mortgaged house and the house should be permanently owned by you like your self equity and the bank will pay you the lump sum amount in whole or instalments. The amount can be used to full fill the personal and day to day needs and relevant expenses and you can not use this for other means like speculative purposes etc.

Further when the person who owns reverse mortgage scheme holder dies either the bank will sell the house to recover the amount given in return to mortgage or the other family members can pay the amount to bank to own the house further.

So as far as the post retirement needs are concerned or the any kind of financial assistance you wish to have it’s the best alternative a person can opt for. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blunders of Loot wealth Games

A game which has brought turnaround both in the era of games and at the same times it has evoked the loop holes of our on going system and the people acting as the think tanks to operate the country and its affairs concerned to economy.
You may not believe but the facts which has came out of this affair but they are true and they are worth analysing and understanding that what is happening with the wealth of people and their commitments is justified or not. Here we go now Mr Kalmadi who has not been elected as the head or chairperson has carry on his role as a chairperson though government has not allotted him the authority to do so but again a question strikes the mind and that is it the real democracy and fair pattern to operate the whole system. Even now number of people sitting on the top you can see asking and arguing that he was a pilot in the air force and he was not capable to manage such a grand event and you let him do so with billions of rupees.
Going ahead we talk here and there that we are the third most powerful country in the existing world and later you can see a minister, a business tycoon and civilians running like anything while holding queens baton in the hand to commence the event, what I want to ask is when such a large image we have shaped of our country in the world why we should hold queens batten in the hand instead of holding bapus baton or hind baton any terminology that shows our prolific background but why we will do so we are habitat of running in the blind race depending on others  and allowing someone to dance on our floor.
Later I would like to go with the financial part of the event and the investment made. As every one of us know the figure that is 70000 crore has been invested to organize such a big event and the way corruption and manipulation has taken the place all of us are well aware of it. Comparing this figure of 70000 crore I would like to say India’s annual budget for education and affairs is 11000 crore and this figure is 6.4 times higher then this so does it makes the sense that 40% of the country’s total population is illiterate and you are plundering money like anything  but who cares let it happen but it does matters because when some days later some one of your relative will call you illiterate and you wouldn’t be able to get the education for your children’s you will realize it and then you will memorize alas this money has been utilized to expand the number of seats in schools and college alas it has been invested to create the emoluments alas it has been invested to bring prosperity to country’s people.
Generally there will be a two kind of situation among a person while choosing alternatives to contribute and they will be firstly you can go with on-going system and secondly you would like to bring the change agent but we do use to study about it in the organizational behaviour very often we can see this in our surroundings but when it comes to bring it in social parameters who cares let it be as it is.

Talking about corruption better I shouldn’t say anything on defining corruption the worst thing ever within the system of our country, even one article was there in India Today magazine titled “License for corruption” and it seems all the people involved have the official and governed license to take the bribes and giving the bribe. I mean this single word corruption has restricted the growth of country and it’s the only thing which has been acting as the hurdle in the way of country’s prosperity that’s why number of richer people are there in the country being on top lists also there is no short of prosperity in our country.
While talking about corruption in commonwealth have a look at some figure and facts:
·         Money invested= 70000 crore (6 time higher then country education budget)
·         8000 crore rupees were of tribal development fund
·         CBI to look after 20 corruptions complains
·         Tender and costing
·         1 window ac costing 100000 Rs but in actual was of maximum 3o to 35 thousand Rs
·         7 towers were there and companies doing the fits on tower 1 plug in costing Rs 396
·         And on tower 7 it coated 2700 Rs approx. so what’s going on there.
·         Old air conditioners have been supplied

Now talking about results

India finished on second spot and has shown the talent we have and improving on its last performance and hats off to all those who got the medals and to them also who did well and shown their participation.

My motive is not against the spirit of playing games and hosting them its just about the choosing alternatives and analysing their worth in long term if you have invested such a huge amount the result should be long lasting.

If  you are plundering your resources and the wealth of country first aim should be towards betterment for bringing good effects in the life of people and perhaps that didn’t happen instead billions of rupee were wasted and rest is history now as event is over but we need to take some lessons from such occurrences that is to be cautious later doing such things and exploitation of country’s resources and wealth conditioned to the betterment of its people later comes other things.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Persistence of Sociality and Deeds for Humanity

Every person in this world today is busy building his own world of dreams confined to his wealth and abilities and that’s what a person should be associated with because if you wish to wear the wings of materiality and if you look for a height which helps you to stand away you have to have to put your efforts on the way to reap the opportunities lying. But do we realize the importance of society which brings us together which bonds all of us in the thread of relationship and what actually we people are adding for the betterment of our society that’s a million dollar question?
At the end of your all ethical and moral parameters there is a sentence always ready to analyze your deeds and their means and output for the wellbeing of lots of people between whom you found yourself capable to set up your business venture, between whom you are able to drive your offerings into a profitable objective and you must realize it. It doesn’t matter how reach you are how much zeros are added to the standard of your wealth what matters is how much you are pulling to nourish the life of several people what do matters is how many of your resources has brighten the lives of people whose life has been a deem panic. And if you are successful in doing so then you are a ethical person you have build an association with the entity of people where you lies where your morality brings peace and prosperity in your life.
Today you will find a reach men doing charity to bring glitz to his name and fame, you can watch a person donating a large sum to a renowned topmost university of the world just to indicate his heights of richness and may to have the sparkles of glory that I have donated that much of wealth to this university and meanwhile it will bring attention of media also but does it of a worth to give something to someone who don’t need it at all instead of pulling up your resources for the people who needs it desperately, may be it will help grooming number of Childs being literate number of people getting rid of diseases and number of people to shape up their home with the resources to get their bread and butter but I don’t understand why we usually encourage the diversity in living standards watching the myths and paradox of human quotient.
And whatever we does and will do for society it comes back to us directly or indirectly may be you will smile and get happiness when you see the glow on the face of a poor child riding his bicycle on the way to his school may be you get delighted when you found after being skilled some of people working for your business motives and I don’t think on such days and such occasions you will be able to stop your smile, that day you feel the height of your orientation towards your society  that evening you can feel the proud of being honest human being that night you will watch twinkle of dreams and you will get the means to a peaceful sleep.
Remember if you do think about being successful then its also associated to your mental peace and your ability to sleep in the night with honor in the heart and no laments in the past so your association to succeed is not with money wealth name & fame position or any secondary stuff its with the faith you are able to generate in the hearts of people the faith people have on you and when you can analyze that yes my deeds have been ethical and they have been up to my moral association with my society and my lives.
Remember every second person is a firm believer of his own lives but very rare people use to live for others to help them groom to turn their dreams and to let them feel the glory of life and if you can not give away your life for people at least you can try to be a reason behind their happiness you can be a part of cause which brought light into their darken woods that smile which helps them to giggle think about it and try to be as nice you can its your life dream it mean it and cherish it with others with their tears with their smiles with all kinds of reasons and emotions.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Circle Has scattered now.........Dedicated to Vakeel Saab

Vakeel Saab That was the name i use to call you........and you in turns giving away a sweet smile....i remember your facial expression little tense from inside though having glimpse of smile over your face, you amit, gulshan, piyush, shammi Ulla, Abdul, alankriti, amarjeet and umesh we all use to sit in the backbenches listening some boring and few learning lectures sometime having lots of fun and sometime criticizing management and other people copying assignments and sharing it with each other submission in final hours and then in the lunch sharing tiffin of amit, shammi and Abdul and having sigh of relief after-wards those were the best dayz of our life..

I remember how we use to go library in lunch hours and you stay fighting with amit and piyush on matters, even sometimes i had to stop you all somewhere. Many a times we use to seat in the cafeteria having long sips of tea and discussing about future, communication, placements and all...I too remember when i was in college post admissions for fee details i met with you and i think i was the first person of your MBA 2008  batch you had met in the college.

Galz like alankriti, amarjeet and nidhi use to call you pawan bhaiya because you were the elder among all of us so just to respect you and you really deserves that a nice person good batch mate and one of my best friend i would say i still feel you are somewhere between  us looking at us and saying Umesha as you always had called me with so name....I am just unlucky or unfortunate that i dint get the last chance to talk to you.

Tu mera dost tha aur rahega......
Teri yaden mere sath thi aur rahengi......
Aaj tu hamare paas na sahi fir bhi
Tere yadon ka gulzar hawa me bahkta rahega.........

Few things i learned from you that are how to keep your pain n problem inside, never loosing your cool wearing a little smile over face and most important thing stay fighting being gentle and simple.....

Your presence as friend in my life was a glory that will never go away and i will never ever forget a nice person like you who had never loosen the courage to have the fight till last breath...

Suraj ki kirne jeewan me nayee aas chhor jati hai....
Thik waise hi kuch log haseen dastan chhor jate hain...
Fark nahi parta is bat se ki woh aaj hamare beech nahi.....
Unki ek muskan Bheed me bhi pehchan chhor jate hain...

I Pray To My Almighty God To Give Peace To Your Soul
and i wish angels keep a sight on you and yours family keeping them happy and prosperous forever...

Lots of love to your Friendship Lots of cheers to our moments lots of smiles to you and hats off to your Life..

Life has been delighted being friend of you and your memories will keep you alive in my heart....

Induced Tourism

What a great marketing concept and believe me when firstly i saw its use in a imaginary product i.e. Pomegranate Mobile phone i just shocked not with the concept but with the features of this device gadget or tech gadget whatever you wish to call....how efficiently they have prepared the conceptual model of their tourist product to be promoted with a innovative mobile concept which has got features like..

Global voice translator
Mouth harmonica
Electronic shaver
Digital Projector
Coffee mixer
HD Movie watching facility

So its a true tech pleasure to be exploited by the people who can wish to afford it and whenever it comes to gadgets or any products which pushes your leisure time needs you do not check your pockets you simply try to get that item that's it.
The sole purpose of developing this model was to induce the image of tourist destination all fun and pleasure at one spot to let you hang over your funny wings.

According to Gartner's definition of image formation agents, it is assumed that there are tourism agents that use the tourism image as a pull factor to influence the buying behavior of potential visitors. Basically, these agents are: internal actors, located within a particular tourism destination, and external agents – i.e. tour-operators – which are not normally associated with any particular destination, but have stakes in the travel decision process of potential visitors. In parallel, it is assumed that the tourism destination is a web of relational networks where the agents are connected by means of collaborative links that facilitate the supply of a tourist product or experience to the visitors.

The Pomegranate model thus helps to build the relevance with a new approach to the induced tourism image formation process focusing on the destination's relational network and, in particular, the network of relations with external agents (i.e. tour-operators).

With The Kindle Guidance of Abhinna Khare Sir

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

knowledgetree: 5th day hero to counterfeit Aussies with his mattl...

knowledgetree: 5th day hero to counterfeit Aussies with his mattl...: "Once again VVS Laxman have proved it why people call him very very special he does it with courage and the way he batted in death times when..."

5th day hero to counterfeit Aussies with his mattle

Once again VVS Laxman Vangipurappu venkatsai Laxman have proved it why people call him very very special he does it with courage and the way he batted in death times when there was no one to form entity with him oz pace battery were on fire and he stood there didn't given his wicket rather willingness away.

Even laxman was suffering from back pain and he was not fit to bat but despite his failure in the first inning he came back strongly and that to with the much required performance now talking about Ishant Sharma he is the bowling speedster did it well with the bowl despite his weaken performance at first inning and then wow he batted and batted so nicely scoring 31 valuable runs demanded for survival so guess what we have another thunder rocker who can do well both with the bowl and bat to set up the match in your favor what  a rock solid performance it was by dhonis top guns who are the best test playing nation in the world and they have proved it.

Well it was an nerve breaking match thing were really sometimes in favor of Australians and sometimes  in favor of Indians both side bowlers did well but batsman were unable to carry the same performance that they had in the first so he was there being special batting specialist and to transform a special performance in match winning performance thrilling match and at the end of the day your attitude matters allot so things came in favor of India.

At last credibility goes to the Laxman Zaheer Ishant Sachin Tendulkar Suresh Raina And Veeru Pa along with entire team and their precious efforts.