Wanderer's Diary

Welcome to Wanderer's Diary blog its a pleasure and joyful ride to have you all blogers and net surfers stay in touch and keep posting your opinions and if you wish to share anything most welcome...........

"परमात्मन परब्रम्हे मम शरीरं पाहि कुरु कुरु स्वाहा".....
कल्याण मस्तु..

गर आ जाये जीने का सलीका भी तो .........चंद रोज़ आफताब है इस ज़िन्दगी को गुलज़ार करने के लिए..

मंदिर बहुत दूर है चलो किसी रोते हुए हुए बच्चे को हंसाया जाए...

इन यादों के उजियारे को अपने साथ रखना ना जाने किस रोज़ किस डगर किस घडी इस ज़िन्दगी क़ि शाम होगी..

Stay Rolling .......Keep Rocking .....and Keep Smiling...........

Sunday, February 27, 2011

माता-पिता की भावनाओं को समझें, उन्हें सम्मान दें..........

माता-पिता अपने बच्चों के लिए जीवन में बहुत कुछ करते हैं। वे बच्चों की जरुरतों को पूरा ध्यान रखते हैं लेकिन अक्सर देखने में यह आता है कि जब बच्चे बड़े हो जाते हैं और मां-बाप बुढ़े। तो बच्चे उन्हें घर का अनावश्यक सामान समझने लगते हैं जबकि उम्र के इस पढ़ाव पर उन्हें अपनों के प्रेम की सबसे ज्यादा आवश्यकता होती है। इसलिए अपने माता-पिता की आवश्यकताओं को समझें और उनके साथ प्रेमपूर्वक व्यवहार करें।

एक बहुत बड़ा पेड़ था। उस पेड़ के आस-पास एक बच्चा खेलने आया करता था। बच्चे और पेड़ की दोस्ती हो गई। पेड़ ने उस बच्चे से कहा तू आता है तो मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है। बच्चा बोला लेकिन तुम्हारी शाखाएं बहुत ऊंची है मुझे खेलने में दिक्कत होती है। बच्चे के लिए पेड़ थोड़ा नीचे झुक गया। वह बच्चा खेलने लगा। एक बार बहुत दिनों तक बच्चा नहीं आया तो पेड़ उदास रहने लगा। और जब वह आया तो वह युवा हो चुका था। पेड़ ने उससे पूछा तू अब क्यों मेरे पास नहीं आता? वह बोला अब मैं बड़ा हो गया हूं। अब मुझे कुछ कमाना है। पेड़ बोला मैं नीचे झुक जाता हूं तो मेरे फल तोड़ ले और इसे बेच दे। तेरी समस्या का समाधान हो जाएगा।

इस तरह वह पेड़ जवानी में भी उसके काम आ गया। फिर बहुत दिनों तक वह नहीं आया। पेड़ फिर उदास रहने लगा। बहुत दिनों बाद वह वापस लौटा तो पेड़ ने कहा तुम कहा रह गए थे। वह बोला क्या बताऊं बड़ी समस्या है। परिवार बड़ा हो गया है अब मुझे एक घर बनाना है। पेड़ बोला एक काम कर मुझे काट ले। मेरी लकडिय़ां तेरे कुछ काम आएंगी। उसने पेड़ काट डाला। अब केवल एक ठूंठ रह गया पेड़ के स्थान पर।

फिर लंबे अरसे तक वह नहीं आया। एक दिन वह आया तो बड़ा चिंतित था। पेड़ बोला तुम कहां रह गए थे और इतने परेशान क्यों हो? वह बोला मैं तो पूरी तरह से परिवार में उलझ गया हूं। बाल-बच्चे हो गए हैं। बेटी के लिए रिश्ता देखने जाना है। रास्ते में नदी है कैसे जाऊँ? पेड़ बोला। तू एक काम कर यह जो थोड़ी लकड़ी और बची है इसे काटकर एक नाव बना और अपनी बेटी के लिए लड़का देखने जा। उसने ऐसा ही किया। फिर वह बहुत दिनों तक नहीं आया। बहुत दिनों बाद जब वह आया तो बड़ा परेशान था। पेड़ ने पूछा अब क्या हुआ? वह बोला मैंने बच्चों को बड़ा तो कर दिया पर अब यह चिंता है कि मेरे बच्चे मेरे चिता की लकड़ी भी लाएंगे कि नहीं?

पेड़ ने कहा ये जो भी कुछ बचा है मेरे शरीर का हिस्सा। इसे भी तू काट ले यह तेरे अंतिम समय में काम आएगा। और उसने पेड़ का बाकी हिस्सा भी काट लिया। और इस तरह उस पेड़ ने उस बच्चे के प्रेम में अपना संपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व ही न्यौछावर कर दिया!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some Insights of German Language

Some important words to build German Vocabulary:

Nein = no

Ein = a

Ja = yes

Hast = have

Auf =on

Gasegt = said

Sicher = sure

Nicht = not

Aber = but

Bisschen = bit

Verwandter = relative

Unsicher = uncertain

Eins = one

Keins = none

Mehr = more

Als = than

Sie = you

Wie viele = how many

Schwager = brother in law

Die/der = the

Nahe =close

Mein/meiner = my/mine

Ist = is

Bruder = brother

Seines = his

Vater = father , grovater = grand father

Mutter = mother

Fran = wife

Sohnes = son

Die fran = the women

Jahren =years

Bin = am

Heiraten = marry

Erhalten = get

Sich erer = of their

Laub = leaves

Zu bekommen = to get

Kind = child

Eures = years

Some Important Relations:

Schwigerin = sister in law

Schwigervater = father in law

Schwigermutter = mother in law

Schwigersohn = son in law

Schwigertochter = daughter in law

Urgro B Vater = great grand father

Urgro B Mutter = great grand mother

Ururgro B Vater = great great grand father

Die zwillinge = the twins

Die drilling = the tripplets

Die ehe = the marriage

Die ehe = before the

Gibt immer = is always

Weniger = less

Eheper = spouses/couple

Adoptieren = to adopt

Wird ein kind = a child

Die mutterschaft = maternity

Freundin = friend

Die vaterschaft  = paternity

Erfruen = enjoys

Die kinderriche familie = the large family

Sub ventionen = financial subsidies

Ledige = unmarried

Hilfe = help

Ihres = their

Ohne = without

Das waisenkind  = the orphan child

Wollen = want

Erzeihen = educate

Ihre = their

Weise = as

Zy = to

Zeit = time

War = was

Sagst = say

Haben = have

Gern = like

Seitden = since

Wisen = know

Mich = me

Auch sen = see also

Und = and

Hundertprozentig  = completely/hundred percent

Frene = looking forward

Nicht = didn’t
Some normal sentences:

Was hast du gesagt – what did you said

Sie sind sich nicht sicher – if you are not sure

Ja aber sie ist ein bisschen unsicher = yes but it is bit uncertain

Nein eins hast gasegt – no one have said

Basics of Italian Language

Some important word to learn Italian Vocabulary:
io = I

nella mia = in my

cosi che = so that

tante = many

quante = many

nella = in

succendendo = going

canto = singing

di = of

ogni = each

relazione  = report

rapport   =relationship

amigos = friends

lo que = what

credere / creen = believe

mente = mind

Avanti = forward

Ti fa = makes you

Cosati = what do you

Comminare = impose

Volere = want

Vedere = see

Dove = where

Bello = beautiful

Anni = years

Vorresti = would like

Si = is

Lingua = language

Vin = saw

Studiando = studying

Lovorondo = working

Some basic sentences now we will go through :

Come stai = how are you

Sto bene = I am good

Come ti chiami  =Your name

Sono sahil = I am sahil

Cio che e ur nome = what is your name

Quanti anni ha = how old are you

Di dove sei = where are you

Vengo dall India = I am from India

Ho 22 anni = I am 22 years old

Ci siele = are you there

Sei cosi bella = you are so beautiful

Vorresti essere mio amico = would you like to be my friend

Dico sul serio = I mean it

Pertanto si e bravi a entrambe le lingue = so you are good at both languages

Si sta studiando o lavorando = you are studing or working

Citta Raipur dall India = Raipur city from India

Sono sahil da India = I am Sahil from India

Qual e la tua eta = what is your age

Ho visto 23 molle in vita mia = I have seen 23 springs in my life

Quante piogge che hanno goduto della tha vita = how many rains you have enjoyed in your life

Cosi che cosa sta succendo nella vosta vita = what’s going on in your life

Se sei in ogni rapporto = are you in any relationship

Vamos a ser amigos = shall we become friends

Lo que creen firmemente en su vida   = what you firmly believe in your life

Cosa ti fa camminare Avanti nella vita = what makes you walk ahead in your life

Si sta lavorando o studiando = you are working or studying

Volete sapere dil me = would you like to know about me

Volete vedere la mia foto = would you like to see my picture

Basics of Portuguese

Some Important Words To have Portuguese Vocabulary:

Um = a , Eu = I

Minutos = minutes

Bom = nice/good

Pesculpe = sorry

Porque = because

Do = of

Obrigado = thanks

Bonita = beautiful

Sozinho = alone

Namorada = girlfriend

Voce = you

Tem = have

Gostei = liked

Muito = very

O que e = and what

Pesquisa = search

Quase = almost / hardly

Meu = my

Ver = see

Disse = said

Em = in

Por = why

Divertido = fun

Menina /Garota = girl

Rindo = laughing

Par favor = please

Esta = are

Queria = wanted

Cravei = hurt

Coracao = heart

Menino = Boy

Now over view and formation of certain sentences : 

Assim e melhor – and that’s better

Ve entende minha lingua – you understand my language

Porque en son inciante – because I am beginner

Porque so brazilia – because I am Brazilian

Voce intende – you understand

Dizar nada = say anything

Sim e compricando son iniciate = yes and I am a beginner

En gostei de voce = I like you

En gosto de voce muito bonita = I like you too beautiful

Voce tem namorada = you have a girlfriend

Eu eston sozinho  = I am alone

Posso ver o meu amigo = can I see my friend

o que fez voce disse = What did you said

voce esta em relacao = Are you in relationship

En estava rindo = I was laughing

En nao entendo = I do not understand

Nao tem de que = do not have that

Posso ver a minha menina bonita  = can I see my beautiful girl

Apenas en queria = just I wish

Eu aceito voce como meu amigo = I accept you as my friend

Espero que ele continue voce feliz = I hope he keeps you happy

Pena do meu coracao se eu cravei voce – sorry from my heart if I dug /hurted you

Pena do meu = sorry for me

कभी साज कभी गीत तो कभी मौसम बदल जाते हैं

कभी साज कभी गीत तो कभी मौसम बदल जाते हैं
नही बदलता कुछ तो बस यादों का मौसम क्योंकि...

ये बदले तो जीने के एहसास गुम हो जाते हैं........
एहसास जब खो जाते हैं तो दिल आवारा
और धड़कन वक़्त के पन्नो में खो जाते हैं..

मौसिकी में और  नजारों में और न जाने कहाँ कहाँ
नज़रें तुमको ढूँढा करती है नहीं मिलता तो बस तेरा निशान..

लम्हों के पत्ते जब यादों से जुड़ जाते हैं...
तो लगता है ज़िन्दगी सवरने वाली है
और उस सुनहरे कल को संजोये
स्वर्णिम पंख लगा मन स्वप्नील आकाश में हिलोरे लेता है..
मानो जैसे समंदर की लहरें साहिल को छुने बढ़ चली हैं..

ये और बात है की ख़ुशी के पल पलछिन होते हैं..
वो तो हवा से बेतरतीब होते हैं खो जाते हैं..
बस गर कुछ रह जाता है तो यादों का एहसास..
कभी जिनके सहारे ज़िन्दगी गुजरती है तो
कभी विस्मित हो ठहर जाती है..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jargon Buster and Words Smith----Kindler of Business Today

Jargon Buster and Words Smith----Kindler of Business Today

Growth Momentum : It sounds grand and is often used by business leaders and politicians to paint a rosy picture, but what does "growth momentum" really mean?

Barrons Dictionary Say's : It means rate of acceleration of an economic, price or volume movement. An economy with strong growth that likely to continue is said to have a lot of momentum.

How it is used :   "On the way forward RBI will have to reverse the expansionary measures to anchor inflation expectation and subdue inflationary pressure while preserving the growth momentum".

Now Talking about Words Smith:
(a) Seagull Manager : A manager who acts like a concious and only when a problem arises, makes hasty decisions and leaves behind mess to be cleaned by others.

Origin : Management author Ken Blanchard wrote about it in his book "Leadership and the One Minute Manager". Seagull manager fly in, makes lot of noise, dump on everyone, then fly out. The work has become popular in corporate circle recently.

Usage : Like all seagull managers, he believed that his sagely lectures at team meetings solved problems.

(b) Polkadodge : When 2 people inadvertently bump into each other or move in same direction, when they are trying to avoid each other.

Origin : From Polka ( a lively central europen dance) and dodge.

Usage : Several office romances begin with clumpsy Polkadodges near coffee vending machines. 

(c) Job Snacking : It referes to the phenomenon of young people changing several jobs in the first two or three years of their career.

Origin :  The word was firstly used by the Indian job portal Naukari.com in 2007 for youngsters who snacks on several jobs before settling up for the final meal that mean the main job.

Usage : Its used widely in Indian in reference to fresh graduates from business schools, who are not happy with their job-hop frequently.

(d) Superfusion : Its a term used to describe a combined chinese and american supereconomy that works as a single actor on the global stage.

 Usage : For US whose companies have tapped into chinas vast customer base, and China  whose market liberlisation increasingly draws more foreign investment, its a framework for  undersatnding how the developed and developing economy interacts. 

(e) Rurban : A space that incorporates both rural and urban characterstics a person or a setting that is rural but within urban aspiration.

 Origin : With business seeking fortune at the "Bottom of the Pyramid" and aspirations of rural and urban consumers getting less distinct, addressing the challenge.

 Usage : As companies move to rural territories to expand their business whether it's mobile phone or real estate in small town's these rubanites are rural folk who enjoys some advantage of city life.  

Basics of Spanish

What is your name: ¿qual es su nombre?

My name is Sahil: lo sahil de la India.

Which city you are from: ¿Que ciudad eres de la? Or que la ciudad que son de?

How old are you: ¿Cuántos años tienes?

What is the size of your family: ¿Cuál es el tamaño de su familia?

Who are the people in your family: quiénes son las personas en su familia?

How is the weather in your country: ¿Cómo es el clima en su país?

What are you doing in your life: ¿Qué estás haciendo en tu vida?

Are you studying or working: ¿Qué estás haciendo en tu vida ?

Are you studying or working: estás estudiando o trabajando?

So what are you studying? :  Entonces, ¿qué estás estudiando?

Are you into relationship? : Entonces, ¿qué estás estudiando?

What you like most in your life: Entonces, ¿qué estás estudiando?

How many brothers and sister do you have: Entonces, ¿qué estás estudiando?

What does your father do: ¿Qué hace tu padre?

Nothing just being alone: Nadas simplemente estar solo.

My age is 23 years: mi edad es de 23 años.

Ay you working or study: ay vos estudiando o trabajas.

I am working: estoy trabajando.

I am not married: yo no estoy casado.

Are you in relationship: estás en la relation?

As well as: como asi as.

So what are you studying? Cosi que lo que estau estudiando.

If I have a boyfriend? Si tengo novio.

So what you wish to have in your life partner? Asi que lo que usted desea tener en su life partner.

Y sabes: and you know.

Would you like to be my friend: le gustaría ser mi amigo?

Ohh I am sorry: Ohh lo siento.

my pleasure : tengo el placer.

¿ ä ö ü ß á é í ó ú ñ ¡ ¿ à â ç é è ë ê í ï ì î ó ò õ ö ô ú ù ü û œ

Some important words to build Spanish Vocabulary:
¿cual           = what                                                  como                      = as
¿que            = which                                                 oien                       = ok/well
es                 = is                                                       usted                      = you
su/tu             =  your                                                 de la                       = from 
¿como          = how your                                          ¿estás                     = are you
hoy               = today                                                soy                         = I am
Esta              = the                                                    Padre                      = father
el clima        = weather is                                         Que                        = that
 edad            = age                                                    espanol                  = spanish
tengo            = I have                                                bien                       = well
entiendo        = understand                                        te                           = can  
muy               = very                                                  eres                       = you are
poco              = little                                                  pendo                    = help 
yo                  = I                                                        tan                         = so 
años               = years/age                                          audar con              = with
¿esta               = are                                                    Bella                     = beautiful
Pais                 = country                                            parte                      = part
haciendo          =  doing                                              vives                     = life     
tener                 = have                                                gustaria                 = like
supieras            = knew                                               amigo                    = friend
usted                 = you                                                 ¿en que                  = what
desea                 = want                                               nombre                  = name
casado               = married                                           lugar                      = place
estás                   = these                                              ¿ciuded                  = city    
lo                        = I am                                               ¿es                         = is
solo                    =  only                                               el                           = it
siento                  = sorry                                              corazon                 = heart           

¿ ä ö ü ß á é í ó ú ñ ¡ ¿ à â ç é è ë ê í ï ì î ó ò õ ö ô ú ù ü û œ