Wanderer's Diary

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कल्याण मस्तु..

गर आ जाये जीने का सलीका भी तो .........चंद रोज़ आफताब है इस ज़िन्दगी को गुलज़ार करने के लिए..

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Stay Rolling .......Keep Rocking .....and Keep Smiling...........

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Basics of Italian Language

Some important word to learn Italian Vocabulary:
io = I

nella mia = in my

cosi che = so that

tante = many

quante = many

nella = in

succendendo = going

canto = singing

di = of

ogni = each

relazione  = report

rapport   =relationship

amigos = friends

lo que = what

credere / creen = believe

mente = mind

Avanti = forward

Ti fa = makes you

Cosati = what do you

Comminare = impose

Volere = want

Vedere = see

Dove = where

Bello = beautiful

Anni = years

Vorresti = would like

Si = is

Lingua = language

Vin = saw

Studiando = studying

Lovorondo = working

Some basic sentences now we will go through :

Come stai = how are you

Sto bene = I am good

Come ti chiami  =Your name

Sono sahil = I am sahil

Cio che e ur nome = what is your name

Quanti anni ha = how old are you

Di dove sei = where are you

Vengo dall India = I am from India

Ho 22 anni = I am 22 years old

Ci siele = are you there

Sei cosi bella = you are so beautiful

Vorresti essere mio amico = would you like to be my friend

Dico sul serio = I mean it

Pertanto si e bravi a entrambe le lingue = so you are good at both languages

Si sta studiando o lavorando = you are studing or working

Citta Raipur dall India = Raipur city from India

Sono sahil da India = I am Sahil from India

Qual e la tua eta = what is your age

Ho visto 23 molle in vita mia = I have seen 23 springs in my life

Quante piogge che hanno goduto della tha vita = how many rains you have enjoyed in your life

Cosi che cosa sta succendo nella vosta vita = what’s going on in your life

Se sei in ogni rapporto = are you in any relationship

Vamos a ser amigos = shall we become friends

Lo que creen firmemente en su vida   = what you firmly believe in your life

Cosa ti fa camminare Avanti nella vita = what makes you walk ahead in your life

Si sta lavorando o studiando = you are working or studying

Volete sapere dil me = would you like to know about me

Volete vedere la mia foto = would you like to see my picture

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